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Monday, 6 June
09:00-10:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00-11:30 Certification Tutorial

Using Resource Certification to Secure Internet Routing (Alex Band, RIPE NCC)

IPv6 for LIRs and the Routing Registry

(Ferenc Csorba, RIPE NCC)

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:30 Tutorial continued Tutorial continued
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Opening Plenary

Welcome to ENOG 1!
NOGs Around the World: Experiences from MENOG (Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC)
Keynote: Growing Internet in Russia (Andrei Kolesnikov, ccTLD RU)
Keynote: Internet Transit/Regional Markets (Jim Cowie, Renesys)
Moderator: Andrei Robachevsky

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Internet Transit, Diversity, Competition – Net Neutrality – What Content Fills Your Pipes

Panel: Vadim Vankov (Akado-Telecom); Alexander Bykov (Megafon); Konstantin Tchoumatchenko NGenix (CDN); Eugeny Kukushkin (RuTube)
Moderator: Kurtis Lindqvist/Vadim Vankov

19:00-onwards Welcome Reception
Tuesday, 7 June
09:00-10:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00-11:30 Net Security

SIE (Shane Kerr, ISC)
DDoS classification and mitigation (Alexander Lyamin, XTEN)
DNSSEC in ISP and enterprise networks (Sergey Myasoedov)
DDoS trend analysis (Yaroslav Rosomakho, Arbor Networks)
Moderator: Andrei Robachevsky

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:30 Internet Governance

Legislative initiatives in the field of Internet (Robert Shlegel, State Duma)
State Program ‘Information society’: the role of government in the development of the Internet in Russia (Igor Khimchenko, Minsvyaz)
Actual Trends in the Legal Regulation of the Internet (Michael Yakushev, Group)
Russian IGF (Leonid Todorov, ccTLD RU)
Moderator: Leonid Todorov

Internet Exchanges

Starting an IXP (Andy Davidson, Hurricane Electric/LONAP)
IX Networking Challenges (Arnold Nipper, DE CIX)
A view on IX evolution and perspectives (Alexander Ilin, MSK IX)
Moderators: Andy Davidson/ Konstantin Thoumatschenko

13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 IPv4/IPv6 Transition Technologies

IPv6 CPE Survey – brief update (Marco Hogewoning, RIPE NCC)
ripe501 document: “Requirements For IPv6 in ICT Equipment” (Marco Hogewoning, RIPE NCC)
Akamai: v6 Roll Out Plan (Christian Kaufmann, Akamai) “Stairway to IPv6: How many Steps (Sava Gluschenko,
IPv4 Exhaustion: NAT and Transition to IPv6 in Broadband Networks (Andrey Idlis, Cisco)
Moderator: Shane Kerr

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break – PGP Key Signing Party
17:00-18:30 DNS

Experience in implementing IPv6 in DNS network (Peter Andreev, DCI)
DNSSec implementing in DNS-infrastructure (Dmitry Y. Kovalenko, TCI)
UA ccTLD overview (Dmitry Kohmanyuk, .UA Hostmaster)
Bind10 (Shane Kerr, ISC)
Moderator: Daniel Karrenberg/Julia Ovchinnikova

Wednesday, 8 June
09:00-10:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00-11:30 RIPE Day

About RIPE, the RIPE Working Groups and the RIPE Policy Development Process
Address Policy Working Group (WG)
WG Chair: Gert Doering
Chair: Rob Blokzijl

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:30 Address Policy Working Group

WG Chair: Gert Doering

Open Microphone Session

13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 RIPE NCC Services

WG Chairs: Kurt Erik Lindqvist, Bijal Sanghani

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Measurements, Analysis and Tools Working Group

WG Chair: Christian Kaufmann
World IPv6 Day
Introduction (Andrei Robachevsky, ISOC)
Live Measurements Explained (Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC)
WG Chair: Shane Kerr

Closing Plenary

19:00-onwards Dinner Party