ENOG 9 Meeting Report

The ENOG 9/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting took place from 9-10 June 2015 at the Grand Hotel Kazan in Kazan, Russia. A total of 221 attendees from 14 countries participated in the meeting, 182 of whom were from Russia.

The meeting was hosted by MSK-IX and the RIPE NCC and sponsored by Netnod, Technical Centre of Internet and the Internet Society.

Timur Zaripov from the Ministry of Information and Communication of Tartarstan opened the meeting, thanking attendees for coming and sharing a few words on the state of the Internet infrastructure in the region.

One topic that generated some discussion was the status of the IANA stewardship transition, with the names community still finalising its proposal, while the numbers and protocol parameters communities have already completed theirs. It was noted that the longer the process to develop a single IANA proposal takes, the more likely it is to be affected by political factors in the United States (including the 2016 elections). Speakers noted the possibility that the current NTIA agreement could be extended only for the naming-related IANA functions, and that ultimately the numbers community has relatively little interaction with IANA and is happy with the service that has been provided over the last 15 years.

Other presentations covered a range of technical subjects including an examination of traffic balancing methods, blacklist monitoring, DDoS attack mitigation, the Internet user experience in Russia, routing analysis and others. There was also a panel discussion with representatives from Russia’s IXPs that addressed distributed peering and the IXP ecosystem in Russia. The panel discussed growth points in local markets and whether it was content, broadband, regulations or other factors that were driving the development of regional IXPs.

In a BoF session at the end of the first day, the establishment of an ENOG Content Working Group was announced. The goals of this group will be to translate industry-related materials of relevance to the Russian Internet community, identify and create channels for information-sharing and interacting with the community, and develop recommendations on the use of Industry-specific terminology and translations. More information on the working group can be found here: https://www.enog.org/about/wg/

There were a number of presentations from the RIPE NCC included in the meeting agenda. Kaveh Ranjbar, Chief Information Officer, gave an update on the organisation’s work to provide valuable technical services to its membership. In particular, he outlined the new model for the expansion of K-root, with smaller nodes that were cheaper and fully automated, and with the technical set up and monitoring handled by the RIPE NCC.

Axel Pawlik, Managing Director of the RIPE NCC, gave a general update on the organisation’s performance and its current priorities, along with some statistics and membership trends.

Maxim Burtikov, External Relations Officer, gave an update on the RIPE NCC’s work in the Internet governance arena. He went on to outline the status of the RIPE community’s work on the IANA stewardship transition and the development of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the numbers community and ICANN.

The meeting presentations were given in English and Russian. On-site translation facilities were provided to attendees. Most of the presentations are available online. Session videos in both English and Russian are available on the ENOG YouTube Channel.

The RIPE NCC also requested feedback from attendees on how it could improve further meetings. Feedback can also be given through an online survey.

The ENOG 10/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting will take place in Odessa, Ukraine from 13-14 October 2015.